Thursday, September 30, 2010


Click on each saint's name to learn more about them

December 3
Pray for our children & those that love them

December 4
Pray for our children & those that love them

December 4
Pray for our children & those that love them

December 6
St. Nicholas
Pray for our children & those that love them
One of the most beloved of all saints - he is the patron of children, sailors, prisoners, and many more!
He is known for his kindness and loving care, especially for children and the needy. He brings the  the love of Christ to all by his selfless giving.  Here are some more reasons to celebrate this wonderful saint's day:

  • To tell the story of a saint, whose life inspires charity and compassion.
  • To discover who the real Santa Claus is!
  • To focus on giving instead of receiving
  • It's a festive way to kick off advent, as we begin the weeks of waiting.
  • Helps us to realize a spiritual dimension to gift giving.
  • To keep Jesus the center of Christmas - He is the reason for the season!
Ideas from families on how they celebrate St. Nicholas Day -

December 7
Pray for our children & those that love them

December 8

December 9
St. Juan Diego
Pray for our children & those that love them
  Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill, as a beautiful Aztec princess, telling him she was the Virgin Mary.  She asked him to tell the Bishop to have a church built on the site.  She said, "I vividly desire that a church be built on this site, so that in it I can be present and give my love, compassion, help, and defense, for I am your most devoted mother . . . to hear your laments and to remedy all your miseries, pains, and sufferings."
The Bishop was skeptical, and asked Juan Diego to bring him proof of the Lady's identity.  She told Juan to climb to the top of the hill where she first appeared, where he found beautiful Castilion roses (this type of rose was not grown in Mexico) in the frozen soil.  Juan gathered the roses up in his cloak and took them to the Bishop.  When he opened his cloak, the roses fell to the ground.  The Bishop was  surprised to see the roses, but  even more astonished to see the vivid image of Our Lady imprinted on Juan's cloak.
A church was built on the site where Our Lady appeared, and there were thousands who converted to Christianity.  Our Lady of Guadalupe was declared the patroness of the Americas.

December 10
Pope St. Gregory the III
Pray for our children & those that love them

December 11
St. Damasus
Pray for our children & those that love them

December 12
Patroness of the Americas

December 13
St. Lucy
Pray for our children & those that love them
Patroness of the blind and those with eye trouble

December 14
St. John of the Cross
Pray for our children & those that love them
St. John suffered a life of poverty and persecution, yet lived by the beliefs that "who has ever seen people persuaded to love God by harshness", and "where there is no love, put love - and you will find love."
He wrote many books of spiritual advice and prayer, including:  The Dark Night of the Soul, Ascent of Mount Carmel, A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and The Bridegroom of Christ.

December 21
St. Peter Canisius
Pray for our children & those that love them
Known as the second apostle to Germany 
He is a Doctor of the Church


December 26
Feast of the Holy Family Novena
December 16-24

December 26
St. Stephen
Pray for our children & those that love them
First disciple of Jesus to become a martyr

December 27
St. John the Apostle
Pray for our children & those that love them
St. John was the only Apostle who stood faithfully at the foot of the cross.  It was here he became the guardian of Our Lady, and St. John (representing all of Mary's children) was placed under the protection of Jesus' Mother. 

December 28
Feast of the Holy Innocents
It is hard for us to imagine the horror of the massacre of all infant boys 2 and under, and the devastation of the mothers and fathers in Bethlehem.  And yet, the horror of genocide and abortion in our day is enormous in comparison.  
Perhaps the devastation for mothers and fathers of aborted children is worse, because they could have given their children life if they had only known the truth.  So many women succumb to abortion because they have nowhere to turn for options and support.  There was  recently a very disturbing article stating psychologists have denied the existence of post abortion syndrome. This is blatantly false -  the women who suffer the aftereffects of abortion (depression and anxiety, drug and alcohol addictions, difficulty with relationships, anger, even attempted suicide) know all too well the pain is very real. The women who have had the courage to join Silent No More confirm this reality when they share their stories. To deny their pain is real is to subject these women to abuse a second time. Make no mistake, abortion is the ultimate abuse of a woman. We should pray for these mothers and fathers - that they will find the mercy and peace of Jesus, for only He can give them healing and wholeness once again. In addition, we can spiritually adopt an unborn child by saying the following prayer recommended by Bishop Fulton Sheen.  The prayer should be said daily for one year:

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much.  I beg you to spare the life of the unborn child I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.

The child will be unknown to you in this life, but in the life to come, you will meet and spend all eternity with them in heaven.

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