Saturday, January 15, 2011

As Catholics, we believe that Jesus is truly Present in the Eucharist.  We have a savior who can't bear to be separated from us, and humbly comes to us in the form of bread and wine at each Mass (when the priest says the words of the consecration - This is my Body, This is my Blood). 

For many Christians (and sadly, perhaps some Catholics as well) this is difficult to believe.  And for non-Christians, it's probably almost impossible.  As St. Thomas Aquinas said: "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary, to one without faith, no explanation is possible."  But Throughout history, Eucharistic miracles have occurred - perhaps because of heresies denying Jesus present (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) in the Eucharist, or for the benefit of some priests having doubts, for Catholics in general, or even those who have taken the Eucharist in order to desecrate it.

Oldest Recorded Eucharistic Miracle

Lanciano is a small, medieval town , along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The name of the town means "THE LANCE".  According to tradition, Longinus, who thrust the Lance into the side of Jesus, striking Him in His Heart from which He shed blood and water, (Mk 15:29)) was from this town. 

In this city, around the year 700 A.D., a Basilian monk was celebrating the Mass.  He had been plagued with doubts about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. As he began to say the words of the consecration (This is My Body, This is my Blood), he saw the host change into living flesh, and the wine change into live blood.  The Host, which still can be seen distinctly to this day, is the same size as the large host used in the Latin Church.  The blood, which coagulated into five globules, corresponds to the five wounds Christ suffered on the cross: those on his hands and feet, and the wound in the side from Longinus' spear.  The Holy Relics can still be seen to this day.

Five separate scientific studies have been performed on the relics.  Here are some of their findings:  The flesh was found to be human striated muscular tissue of the myocardium (the heart wall).  Though over 1250 years old, the flesh was found to be absolutely free of any agents used to preserve flesh.  The flesh is a cross section slice of a heart.  The myocardium, endocardium, vagus nerve and the left ventrical of the heart are all visible (a complete heart in its basic structure).  The blood globules are type AB (the same blood type found on the Shroud of Turin).  The percentage of people in Lanciano with AB blood type ranges from 0.5% to 1.0%.  In Palestine and the Middle East it is 14-15%.  Proteins found in the blood were found to be the same as proteins only found in fresh blood. These proteins are usually gone within 30 minutes, but here they are - present over 1250 years later.

The World Health Organization (WHO) appointed a scientific committee to verify these findings.  500 examinations were carried out over a period of 15 months.  The conclusions of all of the World Health researchers confirmed these findings.


Documented  Eucharistic Miracles Approved by the Catholic Church.  Presents evidence attesting to their authenticity.


LIVE ONLINE EUCHARISTIC ADORATION -  Provides the opportunity for anyone to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at anytime, particularly for those who don't have adoration in their Parish, or for those who are homebound.

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